Last week we took Seth on his first trip to the Zoo. I was a little nervous because we had never been away from home that long and I didn't know how he would react. I was worried he wouldn't eat or nap, but I was wrong. Everything was fine and we all had a great time! The worst part of the trip was the car ride. Seth hates the carseat, so we made a pit stop at In N Out to rest and eat.

Once we got to the zoo, finding parking was a pain so Stephen dropped us off at the entrance and met us inside once he got us a spot. Once everyone was inside, we met up with my parents and took the bus tour. It was nice to see most of the zoo on the tour.

After the bus tour we walked around and saw so many great animals. Seth took a nap in the Moby and woke up just in time to see the Pandas. He really enjoyed riding in his stroller all day.

We stayed until about 6:30. We headed to our hotel where Seth ate and knocked out for the evening. Stephen and I ordered room service and turned in for the night. Next stop: Sea World!