* How far along?: 38 weeks 2 days (Happy Easter!!).
* Total weight gain: +28
* How big is baby?: Probably close to 7 pounds.
* Maternity clothes?: My belly is starting to stick out so far that some of my maternity shirts are too short and some of my pants are digging into my belly. If I don't leave the house, I stick to jammies ;)
* Stretch marks?: Yes. They have been under my belly button since 30 weeks and they are starting to circle around my belly button now.
* Sleep?: I am not sleeping so great anymore. I still get a good amount of sleep, but I seem to wake up from 4-6 every morning then go back to sleep. Weird.
* Best moment this week?:Spending time with my family for Easter. I also finished my last load of baby laundry. The room is ready, we just need a baby to put in it!
* Movement?: Less and less. His movements are slow rolls now, not so many kicks and punches.
* Food cravings?: Nothing lately, but I still eat a lot of cereal.
* Labor signs?: Just braxton hicks. About 4 an hour.
* Belly button in or out?: I don't think it is going to pop out, but it is more shallow than it used to be..
*Sex? It's a Boy!!! ***Seth Allen***
* What I miss: Sleep and wearing high heels.
* What I'm looking forward to: Meeting my sweet baby boy.
* Milestone: I am now "full term" so I am just patiently waiting for Seth to arrive.