* How far along?: 30 weeks 3 days.
* Total weight gain: +20
* How big is baby?: 3-3.5 pounds and 18 inches long
* Maternity clothes?: Everything. I also enjoy sweat pants and pajamas after work.
* Stretch marks?: I think a few have started to show their ugly faces right under my belly button. They are still very light, but they are there (unfortunately)
* Sleep?: Less and less. If I can get comfortable, I sleep really well, but I have been getting up at least 3 times per night.
* Best moment this week?:My wonderful baby shower and seeing Seth at our 3D ultrasound.
* Movement?: All the time now. He is quite the night owl and likes to jump around when I am trying to sleep. He doesn't like to move when people want to feel him though.
* Food cravings?: I have been craving cereal still and turkey sandwiches.
* Labor signs?: Just a few Braxton Hicks.
* Belly button in or out?: Still in, but I am not sure how long that will last.
*Sex? It's a Boy!!! ***Seth Allen***
* What I miss: Sitting down comfortably and getting a good nights sleep.
* What I'm looking forward to: Going through all of my baby shower gifts (tons of clothes) and getting them organized and put away. We also have out tour of Labor and Delivery tomorrow.
* Milestone: Every week seems like a milestone.
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