Tuesday, January 26, 2010

28 weeks

* How far along?: 28 weeks 4 days.
* Total weight gain: +16
* How big is baby?: about 3 pounds and 16 inches long
* Maternity clothes?: Everything. I also enjoy sweat pants and pajamas after work.
* Stretch marks?: None yet, but my skin is starting to get very itchy. (Especially around my belly button)
* Sleep?: Less and less.
* Best moment this week?:Getting our nursery furniture.
* Movement?: All the time now. He is quite the night owl and likes to jump around when I am trying to sleep.
* Food cravings?: Cereal with ice cold milk and also sugar cookies.
* Labor signs?: Just a few Braxton Hicks.
* Belly button in or out?: Still in, but I am not sure how long that will last. I am also starting to think that piercing my belly button back in the day was a big mistake!
*Sex? It's a Boy!!! ***Seth Allen***
* What I miss: Sitting down comfortably and getting a good nights sleep.
* What I'm looking forward to: My maternity pictures and baby shower in a couple weeks.
* Milestone: Making into the 3rd trimester. Only a few weeks left!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

26 weeks

* How far along?: 26 weeks 3 days.
* Total weight gain: +14 ( I will find out for sure at my appt. next week.)
* How big is baby?: between 2 and 2.5 pounds
* Maternity clothes?: Everything. I also enjoy sweat pants and pajamas after work.
* Stretch marks?: None yet, but my skin is starting to get very itchy.
* Sleep?: I am still sleeping well, but sitting for long periods of time is becoming very uncomfortable.
* Best moment this week?:Ordering the nursery furniture.
* Movement?: All the time now. He is quite the night owl and likes to jump around when I am trying to sleep.
* Food cravings?: Cereal with ice cold milk and also sugar cookies.
* Labor signs?: None yet.
* Belly button in or out?: Still in, but I am not sure how long that will last.
*Sex? It's a Boy!!! ***Seth Allen***
* What I miss: Sitting down comfortably.
* What I'm looking forward to: The nursery furniture coming.
* Milestone: Just a few more days until we make it into the 3rd trimester!!