Saturday, October 31, 2009

Weight Gain

Ok, so I went to the doctor's last Tuesday and got lectured by my doctor about my weight. I kind of knew it was coming, and it didn't help that I ate a huge burrito right before I weighed in. Anyways, throughout my whole first trimester, I lost about 5 pounds. I did not have any morning sickness, but I did have a lot of naseau and food aversions so I just didn't eat as much as I should have.
Since I have been feeling better the past few weeks, I have been eating more, especially for dinner. Overall, since I got my BFP I am up 3 pounds. To me, this does not seem like a lot of weight. I was overweight to begin with so I don't need to gain a lot of weight, but still...3 pounds in 16 weeks doesn't seem like the end of the world.
My doctor just asked me to be more conscience of my food choices and eat more small meals. I am trying, but to be completely honest, I am not going to stress out about it. I am not eating a lot of a junk food and I am trying to eat everything in moderation. As long as my baby is healthy, I can lose my weight later. (hopefully)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

15 weeks

* How far along?: 15 weeks 1 day.
* Total weight gain: -1
* How big is baby?: The size of an avocado.
* Maternity clothes?: Bought a couple more pairs of jeans this week and couple sweaters.
* Stretch marks?: None yet, but I know they are coming.
* Sleep?: up at least once a night.
* Best moment this week?: Having my belly actually look like a baby belly, not just a food baby.
* Movement?: None yet
* Food cravings?: No real cravings, but I have been trying to eat more smaller meals this week to help with my headaches.
* Labor signs?: n/a
* Belly button in or out?: Still in.
*Sex? Finding out November 9th!!!<--- can't wait!!!
* What I miss: I really wanted to sit in the Jacuzzi this week, but it was too hot.
* What I'm looking forward to: Finding out the sex of the baby so we can start painting and decorating!!
* Milestone: I only had one headache this week. I know that is kind of a lame milestone, but I have been miserable for the past couple weeks. It was nice to not have so many this week.

Friday, October 16, 2009

14 weeks

* How far along?: 14 weeks 0 days.

* Total weight gain: -3

* How big is baby?: The size of a large navel orange

* Maternity clothes?: Bought my first pair of pants this week. HEAVEN!!!

* Stretch marks?: None yet, but I know they are coming.

* Sleep?: up at least once a night.

* Best moment this week?: Buying maternity pants.

* Movement?: None yet

* Food cravings?: For some reason I have been wanting cheeseburgers this week.

* Labor signs?: n/a

* Belly button in or out?: Still in.

*Sex? Finding out November 9th!!!

* What I miss: Raw fish.

* What I'm looking forward to: Cleaning out the guest bedroom this weekend so we can start thinking about turning it inot a nursery.

* Milestone: I am still just excited to have made it this far! What a blessing!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The cat is out of the bag!

After 2 doctors appointments, we have finally "come out" and told everyone that I am pregnant! We told our immediate family and close friends in September after my first appointment. We were able to show off our ultrasound picture which was a lot of fun. Last Thursday we went to the doctors again and we were able to hear the heartbeat for the first time. It was 160 beats per minute, and the doctor said it sounded really strong. After we got home on Thursday we decided that it was silly to keep it a secret any longer.
It feels so good to let everyone know. Now I can walk around, on even my worst bloat days and not feel like I need to suck it in! I am still wearing all of my normal clothes, but they are getting tighter and tighter each week. As soon as I start getting a belly, I will display it proudly for all to see!